Friday, August 10, 2018

Starry Guide for Google Assistant now available

Starry Guide is a primarily audio voice assistant action allowing you to quickly identify the classical planets in the evening/night sky.

The classical planets that since antiquity that can be viewed with the naked eye include Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

For Starry Guide to function:

  1. You know approximately where North, East, South and West are located in your field of view. 
  2. You allow the app permission to your location in order to calculate when planets rise and set.

Questions that Starry Guide can handle are:

  • “What is in the sky?” 
  • “Where is Jupiter?” 
  • “What is near the Moon?”
  • “What is in the Southeast?"
The action was meant to be short as it is aimed a the urban astronomy enthusiast trying to distinguish between the only visible objects like Jupiter and Venus in the evening sky.

See Starry Guide at Google Assistant Directory